Are you a filmmaker, content creator, or visual artist? Perhaps you're a media storyteller or a game developer, crafting worlds both real and fantastical, populated by intriguing characters and stories that captivate and compel. If so, you understand the power of immersion—the ability to draw your audience into the depths of your narrative, to evoke emotions, and to convey subtle nuances that speak to the human experience.

Enter the underscore—also known simply as "the score." This musical accompaniment to your visual creations serves as the unseen hand guiding your audience through the highs and lows, the triumphs and tribulations of your world. Through melody, rhythm, harmony, and instrumentation, the score breathes life into your story, amplifying its impact and resonance.

Meet Idris Blac, a master composer, arranger, and producer whose musical prowess knows no bounds. From epic anthems to delicate whispers, he possesses the uncanny ability to evoke emotion with every note. With over a decade of experience in crafting soundtracks for film, TV, video games, and commercials, Idris brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to every project.

Whether you're seeking to stir the soul with drama, ignite the senses with action, or send shivers down the spine with horror, Idris has the expertise to bring your vision to life. His extensive training and practical experience have honed his ability to create soundscapes that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Don't just take our word for it—experience the magic of Idris Blac's music for yourself.

 works of original


Here are some original music compositions to picture written and produced by Idris Blac, all with the explicit permission of their respective productions. Please note that these selections represent a very small portion of Idris's composition catalogue.


Music Composed by Idris Blac

idris Blac gives us loss, shame and hope, mixed with a touch of sinister, in his original score for this sorrowful sombre scene, as a young ghost ventures to the spirit world to console her mother. The piece uses an electronic guitar, a string ensemble and a maternal female vocal.


Music Composed by Idris Blac

Idris Blac gives us rise of the machine with an original underscore for this scene, using a modern synthesiser, hybrid electronic & organic drums, a string ensemble, trumpet and chopped human vocal textures to portray a machine algorithmic consciousness on its journey to a full sentient being.


Music Composed by Idris Blac

idris Blac brings us misplaced pride, glitter and scandal in his original re-score for this Netflix hit series, using modern vocal textures, 19th-century elegance and sentimentality, African swing, Indian percussive tones and 90's hip-hop. Is she truly marrying for love?


Music Composed by Idris Blac

idris Blac brings us “sentimental surprise” with his original composition for this scene, which features piano, a string quartet and a synth, revealing the sombre side of our cocky and headstrong protagonist.


Music Composed by Idris Blac

Idris Blac gives us wisdom of the old & folly of the new, with an original underscore for this scene, using full orchestral colours to highlight the trials and triumphs two hero’s experience on their journey of converting Winter to Spring.


Music Composed by Idris Blac

Idris Blac encourages us to “reach out” in the original underscore for this London Film School short, using nothing but synthesised organ. The tones open up over time as Lauren begins to accept her new found reality.