Have you ever heard it said that sound makes up 50% of any motion picture? And that bad sound can very easily reduce any decently crafted piece of narrative media to nothing more than an unprofessional amateur side project at best. Well in reality sound is probably more like 60 to 70%, as indeed no matter how gorgeous your cinematography, how beautiful your art direction, or how well blocked your actor’s performances are, nothing breaks immersion more then the monstrous growls of your alien threat sounding like underwhelming takes of your pet corgi gnarling down on its favourite chew toy.

It is also widely agreed that good or exceptional sound can make an otherwise basic picture memorable and great, as sound design can play a huge part in telling the overall story, for example take just hearing the sound of the threat coming in from the right side of the frame before the audience ever even catches a glimpse of it.

Idris Blac has a sharp and keen ear for the nuances of realistic and imaginative narrative sound design, anything your sequence needs to enrich the sonic audio-sphere, from the quiet sways of the grandfather clock that sits in the corner of your mansion lounge scene, to the sudden ruptured whoosh, explosive particle crash and boom of an automobile blasting through the mansion side wall and window. Idris can put your audience right where they need to be to hear exactly what is what and where it’s coming from.

Have a listen to the example below!


Sound Design by Idris Blac

We all know the famous Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer and the iconic music placed against it, “Bullets by Archive” but have you ever imagined what it would sound like without the track present. With this original redesign Idris Blac gives us a taste and more importantly a listen to what it may sound like, sound effects only.